Lee Yo Won baru-baru ini menyatakan pujiannya untuk Park YooChun yang berakting sebagai Lee Seon Joon dalam "Sungkyunkwan Scandal". Pada konferensi pers, ia berkata, "menonton itu (drama), Park YooChun memberiku kejutan besar", memuji kemampuan aktingnya dan bagaimana gaya rambut dan benar-benar cocok dengan dia.
Lee Yo Won datang untuk melihat "Sungkyunkwan Scandal" melalui teman. Sejak Yeon Hee dalam drama memiliki poin yang sama begitu banyak sebagai Queen Seondeok, itu disebutkan untuk Yo Won, sehingga menimbulkan minat untuk dia.
Di sisi lain, dua anggota Quartet Sungkyunkwan, Park YooChun dan masing-masing manajemen perusahaan Park Min Young telah membantah rumor baru-baru ini antara keduanya yang menjalin hubungan.
klik the title !!
Lee Yo Won recently expressed her praise for Park Yoochun who acts as Lee Seon Joon in "SungKyunKwan Scandal". At the press conference, she said, "watching it (the drama), Park Yoochun gave me a huge surprise", praising his great acting abilities and how his hair and style really match him.
Lee Yo Won came to know of "SungKyunKwan Scandal" through friends. Since Yeon Hee in the drama has so many similar points as Queen Seondeok, it mentioned to Yo Won, hence creating an interest for her.
On the other hand, two members of the SungKyunKwan Quartet, Park Yoochun and Park Min Young's respective management companies have denied the recent rumor of the two being in a relationship.
cr: tohosomnia.net
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