photoshoot Gravure Yunho "Representative Korean Idol" yang tidak dipublikasikan sudah sangat populer.
Dirilis untuk dijual pada tanggal 7 Oktober, majalah fashion "HIG CUT" EDISI ke-38 dilrilis, dengan fitur utama terfokus pada Yunho. Setelah itu, photoshoot yang tidak diterbitkan sebelumnya telah dirilis di samping itu, menimbulkan perhatian yang banyak. Dalam photoshoot yang tidak dipublikasikkan, ia mengenakan setelan jas dan topi yang soft dalam pola yang sama, dalam style “fashionable man”, mengenakan peacoat dan berbaring di lapangan, menatap Tron, bergaya “Soothing Man”. Mengenakan kacamata hitam-hijau, berpikir tentang sesuatu,bergaya “Feeling man” dan sebagainya. dengan “Yunho Autumn Version”, fans tidak bisa melepaskan pesona dan daya tarik di dalam hati mereka..
gravure dengan pesona meluap dari Yunho terungkap dalam edisi 38 High Cut. 10 halaman gambar yang tidak dapat diterbitkan dalam majalah asli dapat dilihat pada High Cut Online (www.highcut.co.kr)
(T/N: Tron adalah beberapa planet dari sebuah film)
klik the title !!

[eng trans]
The “Representative Korean Idol” Yunho’s unpublished Gravure shots have been very popular.
Released for sale on 7 October, the style magazine “HIGH CUT” issue 38 was launched, with its main feature focused on Yunho. After that, previously un-published shots have been released in addition, causing a resurgence of interest. In the unpublished shots, he is dressed in a checked suit and a soft hat in the same pattern, in a chic,“fashionable man” style, wearing a peacoat and lying in a field, looking up at Tron, the style of the “Soothing Man.” Wearing black-green glasses, thinking about something, the “Feeling man” style, etc. With “Yunho Autumn Version,” fans cannot let go of his charm and appeal in their hearts.
The gravure with overflowing charm from Yunho is revealed in issue 38 of High Cut. 10 pages of shots that could not be published in the original magazine can be seen on High Cut Online (www.highcut.co.kr)
(T/N : Tron is some planet from a Movie)
cr: tohosomnia.net
trans: Broken Tsubasa
ia lah , poto oppa di majalah ini kan kereeeeeeeeeeeeeennn bgt !!
ahahah ~
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