Baru-baru ini contoh bintang yang dipermalukan oleh 'anti cordi'nya yaitu TVXQ U-Know Yunho. Pada bulan lalu, tepat pada tanggal 30, Yunho menghadiri sebuah acara untuk 'Bean Pole', dan meskipun upaya untuk berpakaian dengan gaya retro untuk musim gugur yang tampaknya cukup berani, namun postur tubuhnya yang tidak sesuai dengan baju kirinya diketahui oleh cordinya, sehingga menempatkannya dalam penghinaan tersebut.
U-Know Yunho dengan dengan berpakain sported yang jelas tidak seimbang dari kepala sampai kaki. Dari pandangan pertama, sudah jelas bahwa celana panjang nya tidak cukup panjang, selanjutnya warna sepatu dan celana tidak cocok satu sama lain, dan kardigan gaun atas juga jatuh wajar di celana, secara keseluruhan, pakaian yang dipilih oleh cordi hanya membingungkan saja.
Pakaian yang ia pakai dengan memberikan kesan yang kuat bahwa mereka dipilih tergesa-gesa seolah-olah bintang dilarikan untuk memenuhi acara sponsor. Mengingat itu hanya pada awal musim gugur, ketidakseimbangan dalam celana rajutan wol yang seharusnya item pakaian pertengahan musim dingin yang ditunjuk sebagai orang yang menciptakan kesalahpahaman pada keseluruhan pakaian dan item yang paling tidak wajar.
Netizens berkomentar, "Tidak peduli berapa tinggi U-Know Yunho, tapi untuk pakaian olahraga aneh seperti itu, ia juga terikat untuk penghinaan" dan "Semua fangirl Yunho akan tangan mereka ke anti cordi."
klik the title 4 readmore ~!!
[eng trasn]
No matter how long someone has been experiencing as a star, yet if they trust their cordi too much, then they prone to encounter humiliation at public image.
Recently the example of star who got humiliated by his ‘anti cordi’ was TVXQ U-Know Yunho. On last month the 30th, Yunho attended an event for ‘Bean Pole’, and despite the attempt to dress in retro style for fall season that seemed to be quite daring, yet his body posture that didn’t suit his outfit left unnoticed by his courageous cordi, thus put him in such humiliation.
U-Know Yunho sported a set of outfit that was definitely unbalanced from head to toe. From the first glance, it’s obvious that his pants length was not long enough, furthermore the color of shoes and pants didn’t match each other, and the top dress cardigan also fell unnaturally on the pants, in overall, the outfit chosen by the cordi was just confusing.
The outfits he came out with gave strong impression that they’re chosen hastily as if the star was rushed to meet the sponsor’s event. Considering it was only in the beginning of fall, the disproportion knitted wool pants which are supposed to be mid-winter clothing items were pointed as ones that created most misunderstanding on the overall outfits and were the most unnatural item.
Netizens commented, “No matter how tall U-Know Yunho is, but to sport such strange clothes, he’s also bound to humiliation” and “All his young girl fans will land their hands on this anti cordi.”
this is for the anti

ahahaha ~~ WHAT EVERR u say !!
oppa still the best fashion for me

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