Setelah berita yang sebelumnya mengatakan bahwa TVXQ Yunho yang menjadi pemeran untuk drama "Poseidon," perwakilan SM Entertainment telah menjelaskan bahwa "tidak ada putusan seperti itu sebelumnya"
Badan Kepolisian Maritim Nasional telah meng'upload sebelumnya video Yunho bersama Kim Kang Woo dan Eric, menerima pelatihan dari pasukan Incheon khusus. Kabarnya, itu menunjukkan cast pelatihan anggota untuk drama.
Namun, pada tanggal 22 Oktober, SM Entertainment mengatakan, "Dia menerima tawaran casting dari 'Poseidon' dan mengunjungi lokasi untuk menguji itu dan bertemu dengan yang lain. Tidak ada yang pasti tentang casting nya".
Aktor sering pergi melalui pertemuan dengan tim produksi untuk mengetahui rincian lebih lanjut tentang drama dan karakter tertentu. Yunho berpartisipasi dalam pertemuan tersebut tetapi tidak memperpanjang diskusi untuk konfirmasi casting.
Yunho saat ini sedang memperluas pengalaman aktingnya dengan memainkan peran Lee Shin dalam membawakan musikal dari "Goong".
klik the title !!
[eng trans]
After earlier reports of TVXQ’s Yunho being cast for drama “Poseidon,” representatives of SM Entertainment have clarified that there is “nothing decided as of yet.”
The National Maritime Police Agency previously uploaded videos of Yunho alongside Kim Kang Woo and Eric, receiving training from the Incheon special forces. Reportedly, it showed cast members training for the drama.
However, on October 22nd, SM Entertainment stated, “He received a casting offer from ‘Poseidon’ and visited the scene to test it out and meet with the others. There is nothing definite regarding his casting.”
Actors often go through a meeting with the production team in order to find out more details about the drama and certain characters. Yunho participated in such a meeting but did not extend the discussion to a casting confirmation.
Yunho is currently broadening his acting experience by playing the role of Lee Shin in the musical rendition of “ Goong.”
cr: allkpop
trans: Broken Tsubasa
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