HK 1024 showcase, it’s a miracle I came home alive
On the morning of the 24th, I got to the venue about 10, when I got to the 4th floor a lady directed us to ling up. She was really enthusiastic and told us to be careful not to fall. The line was already N long, there were about 300 people there already. When I asked, someone said they were there lining up 2 days ago on Friday.
It was around 6 when everyone stood up because they were going to let us in. I put up my stuff and wore my 10 centimeter tall high heels ready to go in. But waited until 7 and there were still no movement. At 7:50 they finally let us in. And at 8:20 our boys came out.
The beginning of the concert is a blur in my memories… because at that time I just wondered how to get out of there alive without being stepped on.
When the boys came out, all the girls went crazy… It was really crowded so I gave up on taking pictures.
After they came out for about 1 minutes, I finally got to see them through the crowd = = the first person I saw is Yoochun, because he was on the the right, I think he looks a lot better real life than on pictures, so skinny… they had on heavy make up.
Then I saw my Jaejoong.His skin is so white = = but really really skinny, his face is skinny too… Don’t just have muscles have grow some fat too… too bad his hair is too long I couldn’t see his eyes, I want to catch his eyes!! Junsu is really handsome.
To talk about our boys live singing I feel so proud! Its just like the CD! Everything was perfect… Jaejoong’s little waist moving… When you are happy, everyone smiles. Jaejoong, why are you always smiling so much? Even when you are singing. Are you happy to see us? My man’s smile is really beautiful, like a flower, unlimited beauty. Yoochun, I’ve decided to love you more, your presence is so hot! Junsu, why can’t you walk over here so I can see your S line clearly? But your live performance is amazing!
klik the title !!
Then is the talk part. They were asked where they want to go in Hongkong. Junsu said Honkong’s night scenery, Jaejoong said the top of the mountain, I think Yoochun said night scenery as well, can’t remember clearly. Then they were asked what do they feel about hongkong girls Jaejoong said Hongkong girls are pretty… Yoochun said he likes Miss. Kongkong, meaning that we are all Misses Hongkong~~
After that the event exploded when they were asked their ideal types. Junsu shyly said he liked all the girls present, then said he liked outgoing girls. Then when its Jaejoong’s turn, all the fans shouted “uknow, uknow, uknow..” it was so loud he must have heard it. This time Jaejoong smiled shyly, so beatiful. Jaejoong continued smiling and answered: I use to like girls with pretty hands and feet, but now I like someone that would still be by my side even when I reject (T/N: Variations say ‘break up with”) that person 3 time. Who else could that be?? I don’t have to explain. Then it was Yoochun’s turn, everyone screamed Junsu, Yoochun then looked at Junsu and replied: JUNSU! then Junsu was embarrassed. The translator was stunned, but we understand it so you don’t need to translate! I love you Yoochun! Jaejoong, you should learn from Yoochun, and be honest with us! Everyone overlooked Junsu’s mom who was present! Said they have came out~~
When asked about the positive attributes on each other, Junsu said he liked Jaejoong’s clear white skin (Junsu has good taste), and liked Yoochun’s wide forehea = = the translator was stunned again. Jaejoong said he liked Junsu’s innocent personality and his lower body (Jaejoong really do need Junsu’s duck butt, you are too skinny), like Yoochun’s forehead. Yoochun said he liked Jaejoong’s muscles and Junsu’s S body line, Yoochun spoke English the entire time so translation was not needed.
After that they sang Found you, everyone sang together, the three of them smiled really happily the support was wonderful. Then is AYYY GIRL, there was a part where Jaejoong got really close to the front of the stage and he TX the girl by the stage (T/N: TX??) and then he TX the backup dancer. The backup dancer took off his cloth and in this process we saw Jaejoong’s chest and arms, then Jaejoong smiled shyly.
Then is EMPTY REMIX, three of them screamed JUMP JUMP JUMP, Jaejoong took of his cloth and only wore a vest, his chest… beautiful white skill! Everyone were screaming. It was beautiful! It ended about 9:15, and I died…
cr: iamkiss2@baidu
trans: sharingyoochun.net
shared: Broken Tsubasa
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