I arrived at Expo by taking the MRT train while waiting for aniki at Burger King. So we met and bought some BK takeouts. Going to the expo is a sin because there were John Little and MPH sales but whatever, we were there for JYJ.

Actually we were supposed to go in at 7.30pm but it was delayed all the way to 8 sth because of the final rehearsal. Me and aniki could hear the vibration and the voices while we were at toilet. So at around 8.15 or 8.30, we headed in and the security checks were not that strict than we were supposed to expect so I brought in my digicam along. LOL.

We were sitting a bit further but near to the stage and both of us as usual camwhoring using our mobile phones (no choice LOL). Ken was one of 2 hosts for this SC. According to aniki, he’s a DJ from 100.3 fm. So yeah. The lights started to dim and the audience screamed and waving the red and green (W project) penlights. JYJ appeared on stage performing Empty in white costumes, different from Seoul SC. And OMG, Junsu, I think it’s better to perform half-naked because you are revealing too much skin. Chunnie, for the very first time, I find Chunnie so damn good looking and aniki kept complimenting abt him. LOL. I sang along becaue I already memorized the entire lyrics for Empty, Be the One and Be My Girl b4 the showcase. JJ looked cool and I heard the OMG murmurs from the girls and some of the guys at the audience.

klik the title !!

Next was Be the One. LOL I sang along the chorus together and I could hear aniki squealing on Chunnie. Can’t be helped though. She’s happy to see Chunnie in real life and I’m glad. Next was Be my Girl. Oh god the hip thrusts from Junsu. I lol-ed on that. Haha.

Then they showed some videos in between especially the one where JYJ was in LA. Malik Yusef and Rodney Jenkins were there cos I could recognize their faces. They complimented on the 3 and they mentioned sth abt true talent. I love it!

After that was the MC. LOL I love the MC part. Ken told us to shout “Annyeong haseyo, Saranghaeyo, Jaejoong,Yoochun, Junsu” and he mentioned abt us to sing Ayyy Girl. Unfortunately we were muttering while singing Ayyy Girl which caused laughter. Then JYJ appeared on stage. Ken asked them to introduce themselves. Junsu started first, “Annyeong haseyo, JYJ neum Junsu imnida.”The audience knew what Junsu was saying but the Korean model (aka the translator and another host) translated the intro. We lol-ed and Chunnie mockingly replied back to him in English, “There’s no point in translating!” LOL Poor Korean model. Ken also mentioned that the Korean model was nervous and Chunnie kept teasing the Korean model a bit. LOL Jaejoong intro-ed himself, “Hi…..I’m JJ…” and he laughed. LOL. Ken mentioned sth abt JJ which caused more lol-ing. Chunnie, being in his cool self, intro-ed in English, ” Hey guys, I’m Micky.” And the audience screamed. Ken said this SC does not only consists of Singapore fans so there should be overseas fans so we screamed on SIngapore fans and international fans. JYJ lol-ed. Ken was so near to Chunnie. Expect that much cos that DJ rather standing too near to Chunnie cos he spoke in English mostly during the MC. The MC consisted mostly abt the album and the production so nth much but whenever there person is asking a question, JYJ kept silent for a mere second which we lol-ed. “They dun wanna answer?”, I spoke to myself. But they end up pointing at each other to answer the questions. LOL. So Ken asked abt the ideal type. Starting with Junsu, Junsu asked “In what kind of type?” Ken said, “Anything depends, whether it’s personality or outer appearance.” Junsu replied which we already knew by now, “I don’t have any preference but if I like the girl, that’s it.” Junsu mentioned that he likes the girl with outgoing personality. Next was Jaejoong. You already know, beautiful hands. JJ added sth else which I forgot but Junsu interrupted by saying “Jaejoong is a liar.” LOL. Yoochun, he replied his answer in English which I think Chunnie fans might know so I don’t need to type on that. Then next was the shouting part (which I mentioned in the first line) so we shouted that, they smiled. And next was the Ayy Girl part. Ok….that one was a failure because JYJ was following the rhythm but we kept on muttering and giggling cos we havent memorised the song well yet. LOL we were so embarrassed. Junsu showed the hip thrusts (Be my Girl) for a change and the audience screamed. After this and that, the MC was done.

Next was Chajatta. We sang along and waved our red lightsticks and singing “Saranghae”. I like that song.

After that was the final video which was a short interview of JYJ. Junsu mentioned sth that he wanted to have freedom to sing. JJ said sth that “I can’t be a singer forever” and sth else. (Aww…). For chunnie, ok I forgot on that (because of seeing his face makes me to keep forgetting his parts) LOL.

After that JYJ appeared in stage and said to us SIngapore fans and the album. Yoochun again speaking in English, “It’s my first time in Singapore and I would like to thank everyone for our support. Hopefully next year or so, we’ll have our concert here. And always keep the faith.” The audience screamed.

Last was Empty Remix, and Chunnie asked us to stand up (we ignored the Quest strict rules) so we stood and jump. The audience from Cat B and C came forward to the front to join the fun. Lots of guys actually and a few were secondary school students. We jumped, sang-a-long and had fun. Some of them taking pics and since the guards and crew were too busy handling those ppl who went to the front, I took out my phone and took a blur pic. SC ended but the entire audience making fanchants of “Encore” and “JYJ” non-stop.

In overall, this SC is the best compared to the previous one and I like it. JYJ were cool in person especially Chunnie. Everybody is starting to fall for Chunnie. LOL Kept replaying JYJ songs otw home even till now (when I’m typing).

PS: Maybe I’ll be going to Changi Airport tmr morning to see them leaving. It’s been a great day. Sry abt my grammars and spelling cos I need to type fast or else I’ll forget what to write for the SC.

PS: The security was so strict and I heard a few of cameras were confiscated. Thank god my camera was still inside my bag.

PS: I’m a MinSu biased (Minja Kelly as some of SYC clique might know espcially abu-aniki) btw but I kept looking Joe Jang and Chunface to and fro. LOL

cr: juice09@sharingyoochun.net

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