[Trans] More Than 100 Fans Waiting During The Script Reading of Yoochun’s ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’!

TVXQ Yoochun received support messages from fans.
The main character of KBS 2TV ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ Yoochun conducted his first script reading on last 16th at Gangnam. On that day, more than 100 fans who knew the schedule in advance were desperately waiting for a long time in front of the office in order to meet him.

Yoochun was continuing his practice while was also having a friendly conversations with his fellow co-stars Jo Min Ki and Song Joong Gi who are confirmed to cast along with him.

While Yoochun’s argueably counterpart Song Da Young in other hand was said not to present until the cast was finalized. One official added, “The lead female protagonist and supporting casts are not yet finalized. After the cast is done, we plan to do the first shooting soon next week.”

kLik the titLe 4 readmore^^

Yuchu oppa 'TVXQ' menerima pesan dukungan dari penggemar.

Karakter utama ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ yang di siarkan di KBS 2TV yaitu Yuchun 'TVXQ' teLah meLakuka script reading pertamanya pada tanggaL 16 di Gangnam. Pada hari itu, lebih dari 100 fans yang mengetahui jadwaL itu, dengan raut yang putus asa mereka terus menunggu di kantor untuk bertemu dengan opaa Yuchun

Yoochun masih terus berlatih sementara juga memiliki percakapan ramah dengan sesama rekan-bintang Jo Min Ki dan Song Gi Joong yang dikonfirmasi untuk bermain bersamanya.

di sisi Lain rekan Yuchun oppa Song Da Young mengatakan tidak hadir seLama pemain seLesai semua . saLah seorang pegawai mengatakan "pemain protagonis ceweknya dan pemain pembatunya beLum di temukan, seteLah semua pemain sudah rampung kami akan meLakukan syuting segera pada minggu depan"

cr: sharingyoochun.net


di antara 100 fans itu ada aku Loh hahahhaha tapi boong

waLopun g bisa secara Langsung tapi aku tetep dukung oppa dengan doa kug

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