休止 (Kyushi) means stop and pause.
basically the boys aren’t going to work as Tohoshinki as of right now


Hello this is Bigeast Office.
Today the press released the following.
About “Tohoshinki”
There is information about our companies artist “Tohoshinki”.
- They will stop/pause their activities as “Tohoshinki”
As “Tohoshinki” they will pause their activities but for young people with a future and who has talents, we will support each of the 5 members activities.
From on now please watch “Junsu” “Yoochun” “Jaejoong” “Changmin” “Yunho” and take care of them.
Avex Management
Tohoshinki will pause their activities but Bigeast is where everyone treasured and a place for the 5’s bond.
As the Bigeast office we are planning to keep Bigeast.
For the Bigeast members its very troublesome but by the end of April we will announce officially so please wait for a while.
2010/4/3 18:00
-Bigeast Office
cr: sharingyoochun@w
yeaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh . . . pause not STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP and someday they'LL comeback to us CASSIOPEIA.BIGEAST with Laughhhhhhhhhh

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Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ dharaa's NOTE!!! Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
♥Always Keep The Faith to the Five!!♥
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