[pic] Oppa Yunho is smoking now??!!

cr: as tagged


can't beLieve it, oke it's okay if oppa Like it but pLisssss , that's not good for his heaLt and op course for his voice . . .

Uno abang berhenti ya ngerokoknya . . . kami tahu oppa Lagi banyak masaLah, Jaejae oppaaa pLis teLL ur husband MyEm0.Com


  1. I'm totally turned off by this. What an idiot. Please quit.

    1. wooow i didn't know you were his mother!!! seriously honey u really have no right to call him an idiot. Why can't you just state your mind in a more civilized way??? Please learn how to criticize constructively before commenting.

  2. calm down ur self ^^
    he've to quit now. .
    maybe he is smoking if he fell stress

  3. omfg!!!! Yunho smoking?? I just found out Changmin smokes, now him?? >.<

  4. lol y such a big deal?? ppl have flaws and problems ...DBSK's human too. They can't b perfect all th time. I really don't get why smoking is such a big deal. Most people in Japan smoke, they even have cigarette vending machines.

  5. It's not such a big deal. I'm sure he only does it occasionally when he's stressed out.

    Yunho Fighting!

  6. I'm so disappointed. It is a big deal, we know, he's human, but it's his health we're talking about. I hope he has already stopped, smoking is for losers.

  7. hmmm~~~
    i though he already quit now
    but who knows he still smoking if he feel stress

    and the last thing i know....
    yunjaechun is a smoker ^__^
    for me it's not big deal but of course i still worried bout their health
    coz i want them to be health peoples... but it's ok if their smoke still in for realise their stress only ^^


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