[Info] TVXQ Chosen By Viewers Of American Talk Show 'Ellen Degeneres Show' As A Rising Star

TVXQ has been chosen by viewers of a famous American talk show as 'the foreign artiste who should be introduced to Ellen'.

In the 'Send Ellen Your International Music Suggestions!' event that began on NBC's 'Ellen Degeners Show' homepage in January, TVXQ received over 20,000 suggestions and was recorded as the artiste most suggested by netizens. This was achieved by a collaborative effort of fans in Korea as well as in Asia.

Many of the suggestions included the popularity of TVXQ/Tohoshinki in Japan and in Asia in general. This seems to be the work of fans across Asia coming together for a common cause.

With TVXQ being chosen as the singer with the most suggestions, many wonder if TVXQ will appear on the 'Ellen Degeneres Show'. The 'Ellen Degeneres Show' is a representative talk show in America alongside 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' and is popular with around 10 million households tuning in. Even just appearing on the show will be a strong foundation for an entry into the American music market for TVXQ. The Ellen Degeneres Show homepage did state that the singer with the most suggestions may be asked to appear on the show.

Regarding this, TVXQ's agency SM Entertainment stated, "We did hear about this but we have not yet received an official invitation." He also continued to say, "Currently, TVXQ is split between U-Know Yunho-Choikang Changmin, and Xiah Junsu-YoungWoong Jaejoong-Micky Yoochun. At the current situation, it would not be easy for the five members to appear on the show together." Currently, TVXQ is performing only in important events in Japan.



TVXQ telah dipilih oleh pemirsa dari suatu acara talk show Amerika yang terkenal sebagai 'artis asing yang harus diperkenalkan kepada Ellen'.

Pada bagian 'Kirim Ellen Anda International Music Suggestions! " Acara yang dimulai di NBC's 'Ellen Degeners Tampilkan' homepage pada bulan Januari, TVXQ menerima lebih dari 20.000 saran dan tercatat sebagai artis yang paling disarankan oleh netizens. Hal ini dicapai dengan upaya kolaborasi penggemar di Korea dan juga di Asia.

Banyak saran termasuk popularitas TVXQ / Tohoshinki di Jepang dan di Asia pada umumnya. Hal ini tampaknya merupakan karya penggemar di seluruh Asia datang bersama-sama untuk penyebab umum.

Dengan TVXQ yang dipilih sebagai penyanyi yang paling saran, banyak bertanya-tanya apakah TVXQ akan muncul di 'Ellen DeGeneres Show'. The 'Ellen DeGeneres Show' adalah perwakilan talk show di Amerika bersama 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' dan populer dengan sekitar 10 juta rumah tangga tuning masuk Bahkan hanya muncul di acara itu akan menjadi fondasi kuat untuk masuk ke dalam pasar musik Amerika untuk TVXQ. The Ellen DeGeneres Show homepage itu menyatakan bahwa penyanyi dengan saran yang paling mungkin diminta untuk tampil di acara.

Mengenai hal ini, agen TVXQ SM Entertainment mengatakan, "Kami memang mendengar tentang ini, tapi kami belum menerima undangan resmi." Dia juga terus berkata, "Saat ini, TVXQ dibagi antara U-Know Yunho-Choikang Changmin, dan Xiah JunSu-YoungWoong Jaejoong-Micky YooChun. Pada situasi saat ini, itu tidak akan mudah bagi lima anggota untuk tampil di acara bersama-sama. " Saat ini, TVXQ kinerja hanya dalam peristiwa-peristiwa penting di Jepang.


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